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01.09.2018, 20:00
League, matchday 2
Stadion Slough
18 308

Match Report

3 - 0
Harris Lewis (45.)
Harris Lewis (54.)
Harris Lewis (62., P.)

Astun Vila has not submitted any formation.

AC Southamton has not submitted any formation.

Astun Vila AC Southamton

The match is completed.

Minute 91
King Foster passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 89
Steve Ellis passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 87
Stephen Ward shoots... into the sky.
Minute 83
Cross by Stephen Harrison... into the clouds!
Minute 81
Stephen Ward shoots... but the goalkeeper can somehow catch it.
Minute 80
Stephen Harrison gets the yellow card after a foul.
Minute 80
Stephen Ward has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 78
Palmer Watt has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 76
Phillips Edwards tries it with a strong shoot... but missed.
Minute 74
Ecke für AC Southamton. Christopher Edwards spielt auf Carr Shneiderman...
Minute 74
King Foster shoots... into the sky.
Minute 73
Cross by Harry Richards... into the clouds!
Minute 71
Taylor Adams has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 69
Cross by Palmer Watt... into the clouds!
Minute 66
Stephen Ward has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 65
Cross by Stephen Harrison... into the clouds!
Minute 62 - Penalty
Harris Lewis is trying: And scores!
Minute 62
Steve Green hits his opponent and gets the yellow card for that.
Minute 62
Steve Green lets taken away the ball.
Minute 61
Harris Lewis in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 57
Green Lewis tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 54 - Goal!
Tooor für Astun Vila! William Wilson legt auf Harris Lewis ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 52
Patrick Robinson passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 51
Harris Lewis passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 49
William Wilson steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.

Half-time break! Score: 1:0

Minute 45 - Goal!
Goal by Harris Lewis!
Minute 44
Cross by Patrick Robinson... into the clouds!
Minute 42
John Kent tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 41
Carr Shneiderman lets taken away the ball.
Minute 39
Edward Wilson runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 37
John Kent passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 36
Cross by Carr Shneiderman... into the clouds!
Minute 35
John Kent passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 34
John Kent runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 33
Edward Wilson passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 32
Phillips Edwards passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 31
Edward Wilson runs towards Phillips Edwards... and looses the ball.
Minute 27
William Wilson has the chance to shoot... and cannot even target the goal.
Minute 26
William Wilson runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 24
King Foster lets taken away the ball.
Minute 23
Christopher Edwards passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 22
Edward Wilson in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 16
Stephen Harrison passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 12
Stephen Ward in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 11
Cross by Steve Ellis... into the clouds!
Minute 10
Taylor Adams passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 9
Stephen Harrison lets taken away the ball.
Minute 5
John Kent passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 1
Cross by Patrick Robinson... into the clouds!

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[01.02.2019, 20:09] Astun Vila - AC Southamton
torsten: hallo

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